The Lady and I are making a very conscious effort to get to more of the Mom's Club play dates and to become more involved. I still only know 5 women by name and sight but it is better than none.
After 6 years of living in CT and after 5 summers of seeing the Shakespeare on the Sound signs around town, my husband and I finally picked a night, got a babysitter and headed down to the sound for a showing of "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Of course when we got there, the show was cancelled because a storm had blown in earlier in the day and all the electricity was out to only that one little area of town where the performance was to take place. This wouldn't have been so bad, had this actually not been the second time that this had happened to me in my attempt to view some outdoor Shakespearean theatre. However, since we had the babysitting in place we decided to take in a movie and hit up the local multi-plex for a showing of "The Hangover," which was super funny and only the third movie I have seen in the theatre at that point in almost two years. We finally made it to the last showing of the summer along with my brother and my sister in law the following week!
LI Play date: The Lady and I headed out to LI to meet up with the CNY girls and a couple of really cute kids from Brooklyn. The Lady is really into the big girls and they were so great with her, however, she only took a 25 minute nap, so things got a little hairy towards the end of the night with her. Here is a pic of the kids in their pjs.
Harry Potter: Since my little sister hates Harry Potter we left her at home to babysit and took her boyfriend to the movies along with my brother and SIL. Ah Harry, the teenage angst and budding love. The movie was pretty good and I was actually amazed to have seen two movies in the course of two weeks. I am assuming I won't be back in an actual theatre until at least 2011.
In between we have met up with other friends and family and I have made a real effort to spend some time with the Lady before her life (and mine) gets turned a bit upside down by this next kid, which I am eagerly anticipating and hoping arrives sooner rather than later!
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