Friday, January 17, 2014

On Resolutions, Blogging and Bald Eagles

Apparently today is the day where a lot of people ditch their New Year's resolutions. It is actually called "Quit your New Years Resolutions Day." Oh Internet, you have some crazy made-up days. Did you know January is also California Dried Plum Digestive Month? Yummers.

I for one am still blogging and I just got back from the gym.

Feeling pretty proud of myself.

I would love to regale you with some amusing story to start your weekend off on a good note, but in all honesty between the relentless time suck of work and the frenzied evenings there isn't much going on.

I will say that I am so looking forward to getting home tonight. Friday for me means that a little bit of the pressure is off. I pick up pizza, throw it on a plate for the kids and put on pjs.

There isn't that mad rush to be super prepped for the next day and even though we should fit the Reading Log into our schedule, we usually just end up popping in a movie.

QT loves movie night. In fact, if you are anywhere and happen to turn the lights down low he will get all excited and scream out "movie night! yeah!" I like that we have a little bit of low-key family time as well.

We do have some plans for this weekend. I will keep you updated (because I have to, because I signed up to blog everyday this month).

Don't forget to celebrate Bald Eagle Appreciation Days on the 18-19. I for one won't be celebrating this year because I hate birds and Bald Eagles are kind of assholes. 

1 comment:

  1. I am still doing well too! 18 straight days of blogging and still exercising.
