Sunday, September 21, 2008

Minor Musings

I am flipping between the Emmy's and the last game at Yankee Stadium. The flipping has caused me to not only miss Tina Fey's acceptance speech, but also Johnny Damon's home run. Oh well.

On the Emmy's I did see Lauren Conrad walk out with my boyfriend David Boreanaz from Bones. My husband asks me why I don't just call the show Boreanaz but I like the girl too, just not as much.

Speaking of Lauren Conrad, how did she get a book deal? And a YA book deal to boot? It is just the motivation that I need to finish the novel. That, and the fact that a girl I went to High School with published a chic lit book. I found out about it on Facebook, which I love and use to stalk random High School people to see photos of their kids and to find out what my sister is doing at college.

Mommy Mind Melt Moment: I used body wash today to wash my hair. This was after I had already shampooed and conditioned. It smelled nice but I think it might have been overkill.

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