Friday, October 31, 2008

National Novel Writing Month

November is National Novel Writing Month. I have decided to finish my novel. Is this a crazy idea? Yes. Why? Well, because not only am I training for a five mile race, I live with a toddler and her nap time is my only time to keep up on personal hygiene.

However, I made a list of goals at the beginning of the year to try and accomplish. When I started this blog, the only thing crossed off that list was a new car for my husband. But since I have started I have been able to work towards at least three of those things, including getting off the baby pounds, building up my portfolio, and budgeting better. I figure if I am held accountable to myself (and to my readers) that I will kind of just have to make the time to write more. Will I blog as much this month? Maybe not, (or maybe I will try every distraction known to man to avoid the behemoth that is 50,000 words.) Will this be a good novel? No. It will be the bare bones of the novel I am working on. The novel that has about 75 pages and no direction, the novel that needs to be written from a different perspective and with a more defined plot. Will I finish this? I hope so. Rewriting for me is the easy part, so even if I have 45,000 words that stink hopefully I can build off that 5,000 that work and finally, finally, finally get this crossed off my list.

NaNoWriMo starts tomorrow. Anybody out there game?

1 comment:

  1. you write the Great American Novel on your own time. This blog constitutes "our time" - and you are not going to reduce output on "our time". and if you do, i'm telling mother.
